Draft Options: Modification to For-hire Red Snapper Season Start Date
The CFA Board of Directors are a bit split on this action. This surfaced because some states open the Friday before Memorial Day, and some open even earlier than that. Upon looking over this and our discussions it was very mixed what to support. In the end more agreed that keeping it June 1 as it has been with a stable opening date each year would be good. Some in different areas were watching the private recreational angler get more or less a week head start and support Alternative 2 to match their states opening date. In the end it really depends on where you are as to what you want.
Summary of Actions in the Document
Action 1: Modify the Red Snapper Recreational For-hire Component Fishing Season
Alt 1: No Action - Remain a June 1st opening and run through available annual quota
Alt 2: Open the Friday before Memorial Day and run through available annual quota
Alt 3: Open May 15th and run through available annual quota