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The CFA supports sustainable and accountable science-based management of the Nation's Marine Natural Resources.

While advocating for the For-hire Fishing Industry in the Gulf of Mexico 

USCG Marine incident reporting

15 Jan 2021 2:12 PM | Gary Jarvis


Brian Knapp – head of USCG investigations for sector St. pete – cell 813-918-7262

                More than willing to come back to any future meeting to discuss more of the info below!!

                Offered to attend any future meetings

Taylor Wright – Enforcement liaison for sector st. pete – 901-574-9728


Report to USCG command center if its something happening now or living marine resource related (outside of the list that Brian Knapp’s office handles below) - (727) 824-7543

USCG reporting direct to Brian Knapp’s cell phone IF it applies to the following, including online proof, photos, or video

Non-licensed operator – improperly licensed operator

OUPV license taking more than six or OUPV vessel taking more than six

Inspected vessel taking more than COI

Not enrolled in drug consortium or not having mate enrolled in consortium. Anyone on your vessel who is in safety sensitive position must be enrolled 1)Also they must have pre employment drug test by consortium (remember to emphasize its pre-employment and enrolling them in consortium when you reach out!)

2)If they pull anchor or untie dock lines they are safety sensitive and must be enrolled

 3) If they don’t pull anchor, don’t stand watch, don’t ever do anything but bait hooks – not required

 4) EVERY crew member on inspected vessel listed on COI must be enrolled



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