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The CFA supports sustainable and accountable science-based management of the Nation's Marine Natural Resources.

While advocating for the For-hire Fishing Industry in the Gulf of Mexico 

Electronic Reporting Resources

14 Jan 2021 1:10 PM | Gary Jarvis

Here are the latest resources to use -> to make etrips account

You either choose personal or company account. If a company look at how its listed on your permit and make sure to use exact spelling and punctuation – if personal, have the permit holders info & birthdate ready

support number – 800-984-0810

support email – -> to make VESL account

You need will your ‘official number’ from your permit & the birthdate from the permit to make account, if a corporation owns permit, then you use the date listed on sunbiz

support number – 202-883-8375

support email –

SERO contact if your account is pending – Alicia -

Sefhier program contact info

The helpline is: 1-833-707-1632

The email is:

Gulf of Mexico ELB Resource Sheet

NOAA Fisheries Gulf ELB website:

Hotline: 1-833-707-1632


Gulf Council links and instructional videos:

This link also includes 3 instructional videos on the electronic logbooks. 

  Informative blog by University of Florida and Sea grant Agent, Michael Sipos on the reporting requirements.


Reporting software and account creation:

eTrips Account Information:

Support number – 800-984-0810

Support email –

Notes: you either choose personal or company account and then if company look at how it's listed on your permit and make sure to use exact spelling and punctuation – if personal, have the permit holders info & birthdate ready.

VESL Account Information: 

Support number – 202-883-8375

Support email – 

SERO contact if your account remains pending – Alicia -

Notes: you need your ‘official number’ from your permit & the birthdate from the permit to make account, if corporation owns permit than you use the date listed on sunbiz.


How to enter a hail out and report in VESL

Before leaving, open the app and hit 'create a trip' then hit that blue square upper right corner, once done enter your vessel, captain name, departure and return times and return port then click 'done' and then hit the save button upper right corner

Before offloading fish whether on the ride in or once back at the dock click 'find a trip' look up your 'pending' hail out you made that morning and enter all the other info like number of passengers, what you were targeting, cost of trip etc. and click done and save then scroll down on bottom right hit 'add detail' and then add your species (use the search feature to save time of scrolling) then enter how many you caught and kept and how many you caught and released

Then once done click done, save and at the bottom should be a green submit button.... unless you have errors, if you have errors it will be red and at the top you can click 'show errors' and then you can fix what they are and then it will let you submit **REMEMBER - when you hail out there will always be errors since your only filling out that very top portions**

Federal Register for VMS Requirements: FR to allow cellular based units - July 8, 2020 


Federal Register for ELB final rule: - July 21, 2020








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